Cyberspatial News

Interactive Demo Environment

December 16, 2022
Launched, user search by CVE, Manufacturer, and Form Factor, and the ability to download asset inventory to CSV. There are also enhancements to VLAN and timeline, as well as a rehaul of the CVE inspector to display more information and severity. Additionally, password-based logins are now available for all email addresses for subscription users.

Enhanced User Experience

  • Interactive demo: With now live, you can explore Teleseer's features without an account.
  • Unified aesthetics: To maintain a seamless user experience, our Support page and Discourse forum now follow the same theme as Teleseer.

Advanced Search and Inspection

  • Expanded search capabilities: Users can now search by CVE, Manufacturer, and Form Factor.
  • Improved event tooltip: Selected Events now feature a highlightable tooltip for quick reference.
  • Informative Broadcast Domains: Where available, Broadcast Domains now display subnets.

Updates and Fixes

  • Quicker resource quota updates: User resource quota now updates faster for better resource management.
  • VLAN enhancements: Several enhancements made to VLAN functionality.
  • Timeline fixes: Various fixes have been implemented for the Timeline.

Expanded Data Accessibility and Entry Options

  • Asset Inventory export: Users can now download Asset Inventory to CSV for easier data analysis and management.
  • CVE Inspector update: We've rehauled the CVE Inspector to display more information and severity for a comprehensive overview.
  • Extracting attachment filenames: Content-Disposition attachment filenames are now extracted as a Timeline Event.
  • TZSP support: TaZmen Sniffer Protocol (TZSP) is now supported, expanding our protocol compatibility.
  • Password-based logins: All email addresses can now utilize password-based logins.

New Learning Resources

  • Sample Projects: To facilitate learning and exploration, we've added new Sample Projects.

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